In 2009, after seeing the short film “After Hours,” Trancas Films approached Jason to develop the short into a feature film treatment. The project was called The Babbitt Brothers. After choosing not to continue development, the project stalled and was revived in 2013 after Syco Entertainment (Simon Cowell’s production company) approached Jason about a TV pilot with the same characters and tone. To help sell the story, Jason and the Kasprzak brothers created a “fish out of water” pitch short to visualize the story’s concept. In the end, Syco’s vision for the project didn’t match with the creators and development has been put on hold for now.
In a time long past, when vaudeville was king, the sibling dance act of Buster and Felix Babbitt couldn’t catch a break. When a disappearing magic trick goes awry onstage, the boys miraculously reappear in present-day New York City without a clue on how to survive in current society. Through new friends and surprise encounters, the brothers agree to perform for modern audiences while also searching for avenues back to the past. Can Buster and Felix bring some joy, laughter, and soul back into a city they once loved? Ready or not New York, the next act up is THE BABBITT BROTHERS.
Director: Jason Eberly
Story Development: Nathan Hartman and Jason Eberly
Director of Photography: Jordan Steele
Starring: Evan Kasprzak and Ryan Kasprzak
ClientIndependentRole(s)Director & ProducerYear2013GenreDance/Comedy